Saturday, April 10, 2010

Still updating FTM

I still trying to source info in my FTM. It would have been nice to have done it in the beginning. I do take a "little" time to research new information. I found additonal sources for some of the Farrier family, births and marriages. I talked with my Aunt Mary Jane the other day and again she reminded me about a law suit between Grandpa Karl Bishop and a Jimmey Lemons. It seems that Jimmey took cattle to the Chicago Market for Grandpa, but never retuned to give him the money. Jimmey had kept it, causing Grandpa to lose the place in North Dakota. Later when Grandpa Bishop and family moved to Huron, SD, he was called back to ND to a trial in regards to the actions of Jimmey Lemons. Where and when I have no idea. The trial had to been after 1919 after GGG-Grandma Julia Reynolds Brooks died, because she died in ND.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Long time-no write

I relize it has been some time since I have added to this blog. I have been working on my genealogy, but not in the spector of researching. I have been cleaning up my paper files, from previous research; scanning photos; and coping newletters that I recently found and containing volumes of family history. The most tedious task of all is adding sources to my previous entries. I now know that I should have entered them at the time, but to much of a novice to relize the importance. I did put references at the end of any notes that I wrote, so it is not totally undocumented. In doing this I found five more ancestors to the Cronk line, but no sources listed from the on-line web-page. I also received a picture of Jacob Cronk, 4th gr.-grand-father.